Marie -malay local 26 year

Kl escort local.Halo i m an exclusive independent escort and courtesan, a sophisticated lady with a friendly attitude and captivating personality, who also has a wild side and a Taste For The adventurous. I enjoy spending time with nice company and sharing great moments with special men like you. I’m a real girl who enjoys a Good glass of wine and a good conversation… I am feminine, graceful, and sensuous, and I have a strong bond with like-minded people… My enthusiasm and tenderness will make our private time together unique and soul-nourishing. I’ve come to bring you joy! I will be available to meet you in my 5-star hotel or at your expensive hotel for an unforgettable session. I have a perfect complexion and attractive dazzling brown eyes.

Name: Marie
National: Malaysia
Race: Malay
Age: 26
Weight: 165 cm
Height: 45 kg

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